#32 DevOps Diary: Let's refresh
Welcome beautiful people,
I hope you are all doing well. I did some restructuring on my newsletter content. Since I am focused within my work specifically on SRE I thought it would be interesting to restructure the content section. This way, it is not divided by content type but by topic. Please let me know if there is any other topic section that you would find valuable.
Enjoy 🥰
Community Highlight 💕
CivoCloud just launched its FREE DevOps Bootcamp. If you are completely new to DevOps or maybe you have already some experience but would like to broaden your understanding, then this content is for you. We are streaming weekly, hands-on tutorials that you can follow along.
Also, remember that with every new sign-up to Civo, you get $250 worth of credit.
DevOps 👩🏽🔧
- I just attended the #EveryoneCanContribute café (awesome community btw) and showcased how I connected GitLab with Civo Kubernetes Clusters. However, truth be told, my inspiration came from this blog post on "Automated deployments to Kubernetes with GitLab" by Sander Knape. Have a look at his blog for more amazing tutorials and content.
- How Do Kubernetes and Docker Create IP Addresses?! by Dustin Specker
- Wondering how far you can take your engineering role and what some companies might expect at each stage of your career? Dropbox shared its career framework.
- GITOPS – including backup in your continuous deployments by Michael Cade
- 4 ways to improve your influence as an SRE from the Cortex Blog
- If you are interested in newsletters and you would like to have weekly SRE related content right to your inbox, I suggest subscribing to SRE weekly by Lex Neva
- Looking for a good podcast? Have a listen to "page it to the limit" by Alex Solomon, Julie Gunderson, Mandi Walls, Quintessence Anx and Scott McAllister
People 💬
The Data on K8s Community provide an amazing onboarding path to Kubernetes & opportunities to contribute and collaborate. Make sure to follow them, they host Twitter spaces and weekly (I think) meetups.
Events 🗓️
Sticky-Content 📌
If you want to support my work and receive exclusive content, you can sign-up for my paid subscription on my Blog ♥️
- Head over to my public notion page to see all of my Kubernetes notes and more! 🥳
- You Can Learn Anything! Continuing #100DaysOfKubernetes with several new videos.
- Join the Community!
Tweet of the week 🐦
This week's tweet of the week is by Ellen who posts amazing short videos
the foundations of computer science pic.twitter.com/a7tyr4D4DT
— ellen (@ellenkorbes) June 18, 2021