#48 Seven-Day DevOps: Where do I even start?

Welcome beautiful people,

I hope you had a fabulous week and Happy Monday! 🎉

Community Highlight 🧑🏻‍🤝‍🧑🏽

Big shout-out to the organisers of the #EveryoneCanContribute Cafe

They are doing an amazing job organising inclusive and interesting tech meetups. Make sure to check out their next meetup on Blockchain and web3, tomorrow!

Open Source Project Highlight 📸

This is not really the usual kind of project that I highlight in this section but I just want to give microk8s a reappearance! If you are looking to run a Kubernetes cluster in seconds, check it out!

DevOps & SRE👩🏽‍🔧

DevSecOps 🔒

My content 📌

“Learning or Working in Public” has become a really popular phrase, but

  • What does this actually mean?
  • What are the benefits?


  • How can you get started?

This and more in my latest YouTube Video

Tweet of the week 🐦

This week’s tweet of the week is by Nick Craver

Sharing is Caring 🤗

If you are enjoying my weekly newsletters, share what you liked on your social media channels to make sure other amazing people come across my content, too. I highly appreciate your support 🥳

If you have content that you would like to have highlighted in one of my next newsletters, please do reach out and I would love to feature your work.

This is it for today, until next time 👋🏻