#62 Seven-Day DevOps — Weekly DevOps Newsletter

Welcome beautiful people,

I hope you are having a fabulous week! This week's newsletter covers lots of security-how-tos, some amazing event recordings and open source live streams.

Enjoy 😊

Hear from our Open Source Contributors at Aqua on how to have a career in open source 🔆

I’m going to talk with Jose about his experience contributing to open source.

Join our live stream with your questions and learn about:

  • His skill level, experience and career journey
  • Learnings and tips
  • His work as a full-time open source contributor

TODAY, Thursday the 4th, at 1 PM CEST

DevOps or other things👩🏽‍🔧

DevSecOps 🔒

Events 🗓️

DevOps MSP happened at the beginning of the week; it was live streamed, and there were some very exciting talks.

You can find all the recordings on their YouTube channel.

Tweet of the week 🐦

This week’s tweet of the week is by sysarmy

Sharing is Caring 🤗

If you are enjoying my weekly newsletters, share what you liked on your social media channels to make sure other amazing people come across my content, too. I highly appreciate your support 🥳

If you have content that you would like to have highlighted in one of my next newsletters, please do reach out and I would love to feature your work.

This is it for today, until next time 👋🏻