#56 Seven-Day DevOps — Not so weekly — weekly newsletter — I am back!!

Welcome beautiful people,

I am really excited to be back, writing my weekly newsletter. The previous month has been a lot — mainly a lot of conferences. Here is a brief summary:

  • I helped co-organise DevOpsDays Birmingham 🎉

You can already get your super-early-bird tickets for next year!! 😱

  • Attended my first in-person KubeCon & Spoke at KubeCon 🎉
  • Two weeks after that, I spoke at GitOps Days, PlatformCon and OWASP Appsec EU🎉
  • Ah, and I moved apartments.

So I hope you understand that my newsletter came second in all this.

Anyway, this newsletter is not about me but about this amazing community ❤️

Book Highlight 📚

This week I want to highlight two different books.

The first one is by Michael Hausenblas — Learning Modern Linux

And the second one is by Liz Rice — What Is eBPF?

DevOps or other things👩🏽‍🔧

DevSecOps 🔒

My content 📌

I just reached 10.000 subscribers on YouTube!! HUGE shout-out to everyone who has been supporting me and my content throughout the past years and months ♥️

Join me on this live stream next week on Thursday at 7 PM CEST:

Are you using Docker Desktop? We just released the Trivy Docker Desktop extension that you can access through the new Docker marketplace. SOO exciting — scan your container images through Docker Desktop 🎉

Tweet of the week 🐦

This week’s tweet of the week is by Vee

Sharing is Caring 🤗

If you are enjoying my weekly newsletters, share what you liked on your social media channels to make sure other amazing people come across my content, too. I highly appreciate your support 🥳

If you have content that you would like to have highlighted in one of my next newsletters, please do reach out and I would love to feature your work.

This is it for today, until next time 👋🏻