#13 DevOps Diary: Events are back

Welcome beautiful people!

This week is yet another week full of Kubernetes learning resources. Personally, I started learning Go and I am consistently surprised by the level of support by the community; this is just one example.

Hope you enjoy this week's newsletter 😊

If you have any comments, suggestions, anything you would like to have included in next week's edition, please do let me know.

Top Kubernetes Learning Resources πŸ“–

This is an open source documentation, linking to Kubernetes resources and providing explanations. You can also contribute here.


Blog Posts (and other written content)πŸ—žοΈ

Sticky-Content πŸ“Œ

  • My public notion page with all of my notes finally has a proper domain πŸ₯³ Head over to the notion page to see all of my Kubernetes notes and more!
  • If you would like to join our DevOps learning group, head over to https://devops.tribe.so/. Tribe is basically like a private social media that allows you to share content in a discover-able format without having to give your data to a company like f-book. Join and say hi πŸ™‚

Events πŸ“£

Tweet of the Week 🐦

This week's tweet of the week is by memenetes

Continuing Every Weekβ€Šβ€”β€ŠMake sure to follow and to subscribe for special content and regular updates!

Big thank you to everyone, who supports me on a weekly basis to make this content happen πŸ™πŸΌ

If you would like to have content included, please get in touch on Twitter or my website πŸ™ŒπŸΌ