#25 DevOps Diary: Kubernetes and Community Resources

Welcome beautiful people!

I hope that you had a lovely week and that it is warmer and sunnier where you are at than here in Berlin πŸ™‚

I have taken the past week more time to learn about observability tools, distributed tracing, and how to create fancy dashboards. So, the video section is focused on those topics. Additionally, I have included tutorial blog posts and more events.

I hope you enjoy this weeks newsletter! Feel free to reach out with ideas and content for upcoming editions.

Community πŸ‘₯

Book Picks Of The Week πŸ“š

This week, I am highlighting a bit of a different book than usual. The book I want to share with you is called "The Lost Art of Connecting: The Gather, Ask, Do Method for Building Meaningful Business" by Susan McPherson

Blog Posts (and other written content)πŸ—žοΈ


Sticky-Content πŸ“Œ

Events πŸ“£

The Data on K8s Community is hosting several amazing meetups; have a look at their upcoming events πŸ₯³

If you have any event recommendations, I would love to hear from you πŸ™‚

Tweet of the Week 🐦

This week's tweet of the week is by aborteddreams

I would call it "me programming alone vs pair-programming"

Continuing Every Weekβ€Šβ€”β€ŠMake sure to follow and to subscribe for special content and regular updates!

Big thank you to everyone, who supports me on a weekly basis to make this content happen πŸ™πŸΌ

If you would like to have content included, please get in touch on Twitter or my website