Hello beautiful people,
I hope that you all had a fantastic weekend with the weather getting nicer. I have been fairly inconsistent with publishing new content while settling into my new role at Civo.
However, this is about to change 😎 I am now back with several new exciting content both from myself and that I came across within the space. If you are curious, read on. Enjoy 🥳
Community 👥
CloudNative.tv is launching THIS week! You can see the full schedule here.
I am hosting a show called 100Days, in which we will explore new CNCF projects each week and showcase their starter content. Join me on Tuesday for the first live stream.
Blog Posts (and other written content)🗞️
I came across some really great content within the past week; hope you find them interesting:
- Personal Blog by Haseeb, who is publishing lots of Docker, Cloud Native and DevOps -related tutorials
- Another amazing personal blog by Niels Stevens
- The following blog is a great read to get a different perspective on Continuous Delivery and GitOps: GitOps is a placebo by Steve Smith
- How Potty Training Shaped My Tech Teaching Style by Shaundai Person
- Effective Bash scripting for developers (without sysadmin experience) by Sebastian Daschner. I also highly recommend subscribing to his channel.
- Service Mesh In Kubernetes Explained by Viktor Farcic
Sticky-Content 📌
- Head over to my public notion page to see all of my Kubernetes notes and more! 🥳
- You Can Learn Anything! Continuing #100DaysOfKubernetes with several new videos.
- Join the Community!
Since there has been such an interest in more content, I am now creating monthly content for paid subscribers. If you want to further support me and my work, give it a try, it is just $5 a month for exclusive updates and tutorials.
Events 📣
- cdCon https://events.linuxfoundation.org/cdcon/ Jun 23, 2021 → Jun 24, 2021
- Kubernetes Community Days Bengaluru https://community.cncf.io/events/details/cncf-kcd-bengaluru-presents-kubernetes-community-days-bengaluru/#/ Jun 26, 2021
- Monitorama https://monitorama.com/ Sep 13, 2021 → Sep 16, 2021
Tweet of the Week 🐦
This week's tweet of the week is by Karol Szczepański

Continuing Every Week — Make sure to follow and to subscribe for special content and regular updates!
Big thank you to everyone, who supports me on a weekly basis to make this content happen 🙏🏼
If you would like to have content included, please get in touch on Twitter or my website