Hello beautiful people,
and welcome to Week 30 of DevOps Diaries – to those who are already subscribed, thank you so much for your support!
I hope you are enjoying this newsletter. If you have any feedback, anything you would like to have highlighted, please do reach out.
Today's content is going to be focused on a broad range of topics, including lots of learning resources, exam preparation, podcasts and conferences. Enjoy!
Community 👥
CloudNative.tv has launched last week and the first shows have already been soo amazing! We have daily shows, so make sure to check them out to listen to interviews with maintainers, learn how to contribute to CNCF projects or to see how far you can take cloud native projects in your own deployments!
You can see the full schedule here. Make sure to follow to be able to participate in the conversations during the streams.
I am hosting a show called 100Days, in which we will explore new CNCF projects, how to start learning about them and the beginner content available.
I want to highlight an amazing podcast called "100 Moments That Rocked Computer Science" by the amazing Professor Sue Black. In each episode, Sue is interviewing interesting and influential people in tech.
The first episode is on "The Birth of the Internet Search" + the show has the best sound track!
Blog Posts (and other written content)🗞️
- Are you preparing for your CKS, CKA, or CKAD exam, you might want to checkout this simulator.
- If you are into DevOps, knowing the basics about database can always become handy, here is a comprehensive list of database learning resources.
- No, the Internet was not ‘down’, what happened on the 8th?
- Are you using Prometheus? Then you might be interested in the '@' Modifier.
- Wiard wrote a blog post on "Using Civo Kubernetes to gamify Twitter with Prometheus and Grafana". If you want to see how the header looks, live in action, have a look at his or my Twitter profile.
You can try out Civo right now with the $250 free credit upon every new sign-up; which is leading me to Video content of the week.
- Some of you might have realized that I changed companies a month ago and now work at Civo Cloud. I am providing an overview of the platform in my latest video.
- GitOps Days 2021 happened last week! If you missed the demos, the content, the interviews and more, have a listen to the recording. Saiyam presented a demo called "GitOps at scale using Fleet".
Sticky-Content 📌
- Head over to my public notion page to see all of my Kubernetes notes and more! 🥳
- You Can Learn Anything! Continuing #100DaysOfKubernetes with several new videos.
- Join the Community!
Since there has been such an interest in more content, I am now creating monthly content for paid subscribers. If you want to further support me and my work, give it a try, it is just $5 a month for exclusive updates and tutorials.
Events 📣
Civo will be hosting an online meetup labelled "Kubernetes Service Mesh" on the 16th at 6PM CEST.
And the day after, I will be hosting my FIRST YouTube LIVE Q&A at 5PM CEST. Make sure to join, we will be talking about 100 Days Of Kubernetes, how to get started and how you can contribute!
Tweet of the Week 🐦
This week's tweet of the week is by Ian Miell

Remember, you can help me shape this content
If you are a content creator and/or you come across interested content throughout the week, make sure to drop me a message, either on Twitter DM or through my contact form. This way, I will be able to include it in this newsletter.
It could be your own content or any good content that helped you learn about a topic in the cloud native space.
And with that make sure to subscribe and see you next week!