Hey folks, and welcome to week 5 of this newsletter 🥳
As you might know, KubeCon is happening right now! My first KubeCon — if you are there and/or you would like to chat, let me know, I would love to connect. Let's make the best out of virtual conferences!
Here are some tips on making your KubeCon experience great by Justin Garrison!
Now let's dive into this week's resources.
Videos 🎥
Let's get started on GitOps
- The term has been defined by Weaveworks in 2017 — here is their overview
- Checkout what GitOps is all about in this video
Blog Posts 🗞️
- What is wrong with GitOps1.0
- A Vision for GitOps2.0
- Get started with ArgoCD to create a temporary preview environment
Podcasts 🎤
Small Batches is a great podcast if you are interested in software engineering theory and best practices.
Check-out their latest episode on GitOps & Argo CD with Viktor Farcic
Communities 👥
The community that I would like to invite you to this week is not DevOps specific. Eddie built up a super-inclusive community around open source contributions and showing developers how to get started contributing to open-source projects.
Here is the Discord Invitation Link
If you are curious about Eddie's content, have a look at his YouTube channel 🙌🏼
Tip of the Week 💡
To make sure you are really learning about a topic, either create questions yourself around the topic or look for questions that others have had online. Answering those can manifest your understanding beyond reading about a topic.
Both Quora and Reddit have a vast collection of questions around pretty much any topic. For instance, if I look for "GitOps" in Quora, I get the following 👀
Sticky-Content 📌
- You can find a collection of all the resources that I list in the DevOps newsletter + additional notes etc. on the public notion page
- We just kicked off our DevOps learning group with the first presentation happening next week. if you would like to join, please either message me on Telegram (@URLICHSANAIS) or on Twitter. I would love to hear from you 🙂
Events 🌍
- KubeCon https://events.linuxfoundation.org/kubecon-cloudnativecon-north-america/ Nov 17, 2020 → Nov 20, 2020
- Lowcodetoday https://lowcodetoday.com/ Nov 19, 2020
- AWS re:Invent https://reinvent.awsevents.com Nov 30, 2020 → Dec 18, 2020
- Global SKILup Festival https://devopsinstitute.com/skilup-festival/ Dec 7, 2020 → Dec 11, 2020
- Universe2020 https://githubuniverse.com/ Dec 8, 2020 → Dec 10, 2020
Tweet of the Week 🐦
Given that this week's content is focused on GitOps, I thought that the following image, found on Reddit, is a perfect fit:

Continuing Every Week — Make sure to follow and to subscribe for special content and regular updates!
If you would like to have content included, please get in touch on Twitter or my website 🙌🏼