Welcome beautiful people, I hope you are having a fabulous week!
Enjoy 😊
Something Random 👀
Look how cute Cody is!!! Cody is Matty’s new dog ♥️
This account now is two cute pups! Introducing Cody! pic.twitter.com/vOgwYE6P18
— Moxie and Cody (@MoxieCodyAussie) July 9, 2022
DevOps or other things👩🏽🔧
- OpenFeature - a standard for feature flagging by Pete Hodgson
- Kubernetes: ImagePullBackOff! by Engin Diri
- Identifying Misconfigurations in your Terraform by Owen Rumney
Observability and more 📸
- Learn more about Prometheus’ history by Martin Chodúr in this presentation
- Podcast: Continuous Profiling: A New Observability Signal by Dotan Horovits with guest Frederic Branczyk
A study from incident.io: Uncovering the mysteries of on-call
"Over 40% of participants were not compensated for on-call. Interestingly, this was more common in larger orgs (+5,000 people) than in small to mid-sized orgs that participated in the survey.”
DevSecOps 🔒
If you want to get started with security scanning, have a look at the workshop Rory and I did at Security Con: First Steps to Full Lifecycle Security with Open Source Tools - Rory McCune & Anais Urlichs
And a video that shows how to Secure your Terraform CI/CD Pipelines with tfsec by TeeRev
Events 🗓️
#KCDAfrica22 Days took place last week. Have a look at the recordings:
Tweet of the week 🐦
This week’s tweet of the week is by Daryl Ginn

Sharing is Caring 🤗
If you are enjoying my weekly newsletters, share what you liked on your social media channels to make sure other amazing people come across my content, too. I highly appreciate your support 🥳
If you have content that you would like to have highlighted in one of my next newsletters, please do reach out and I would love to feature your work.
This is it for today, until next time 👋🏻