#69 Seven-Day DevOps — Weekly DevOps Newsletter

Hello beautiful people,

I wish you all a great start to the week! I hope your weekend was as sunny as mine, either the weather or the spirit. Here is a photo of my 4-month-old puppy Arkady.

I wish you all a great start to the week!✨

Huge shout-out to Rootly for sponsoring this newsletter!

Manage incidents directly from Slack with Rootly.
Rootlyautomates manual tasks like creating an incident channel, Jira ticket and Zoom rooms, inviting responders, creating status page updates, postmortem timelines and more.
Want to see why companies like Canva and Grammarly are using Rootly? https://rootly.com/demo/

Moving to Slack

As mentioned before, I abandoned Discord in favour of Slack. Do join the Slack community – you can share your own content or any interesting content that you came across there as well!

Interesting content from across the space ✍🏻

And Rory is working on a series on PCI Kubernetes – do check it out as he helps to break down complex topics.

Something interesting on Twitter 🐦

If you ever wrote git marge instead of git merge then this one is for you:

Upcoming Live Streams and Events 📆

If you missed KubeHuddle – I found out (sadly late but better late than never) that it was all live streamed! Have a look at these great presentations!

Do you know of or are hosting any interesting events? – Promote them here!

My own content 🤸🏻‍♀️

You might know already how much I love microk8s. Thus, I wrote a blog post on how I developed and tested the microk8s addon:

Writing a microk8s addon on Mac
In this blog post, I first describe the steps I took to install microk8s and then to develop and test a microk8s addon for the Trivy Operator.

Tweet of the week 🤦🏻‍♀️

This week's tweet of the week is by Charles